megaballjackpot|瑞玛精密2023年营收增长31% 净利润下降22.92%

  • 作者:editor
  • Society
  • 时间:2024-04-11 23:45:02
  • 8人已阅读

Newsletter summary

Rima Precision's operating revenue increased by 30% in 2023.Megaballjackpot.75%Megaballjackpot, reached 1.577 billion yuan, but net profit decreased by 22.92% to 51.6779 million yuan. The basic earnings per share is 0.43 yuan, and the company intends to pay a cash dividend of 1.5 yuan per 10 shares. Despite the rise in income, the decline in net profit is likely to attract market attention.

Text of news flash

Net profit of Rima Precision fell by 22.92% in 2023

megaballjackpot|瑞玛精密2023年营收增长31% 净利润下降22.92%

On April 11, Rima Precision released its 2023 annual report. According to the report, the company's operating income reached 1.577 billion yuan, an increase of 30.75% over the same period last year. However, the net profit attributed to shareholders of listed companies was 51.6779 million yuan, down 22.92% from the previous year. Net profit after deducting non-recurring profit and loss was 46.9255 million yuan, a decrease of 35.60% compared with the same period last year. The basic earnings per share is 0.43 yuan. The company plans to pay a cash dividend of 1.5 yuan (including tax) for every 10 shares to all shareholders.

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